Thursday, January 26, 2012

What is news? What is news to you? and where do you get your news? (MassCom)

What is news? What is news to you? and where do you get your news? (MassCom)

News has various meanings; an update of culture, business, the local gossip of your town or of big cities and celebrities around the world. To me, news is just something I've never heard. Although I'm not very unique in that, as most people would agree with me. News to me is understanding something I didn't before.

<< If I couldn't understand this joke before, you bet I do now (The symbol for sodium on the periodic table is Na)

News is a form of learning. "If I haven't seen it, it's news to me!"
From the death of massive dictator Kim Jong Il and the rise of his son to power 

To the recent marriage troubles of Ashton and Demi; this is the news I, as well as millions of other Americans, use the internet to find out about.

I get my news from peers and, of course, the internet. Various news sites, such as the New York Times along with USAToday and Al Jazeera. I prefer Al Jazeera, specifically because I find them less biased then other news corporations. But then again, that's just one of my bias' as well.


1 comment:

  1. Your blog entry is interesting, smart, AND it made me laugh.
    Not many would put Kim Jong Il and Ashton Kutcher in the same sentence
    10 points
